Thread: 56k user
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Old October 29th, 2001
Posts: n/a

The main drawback for 56k users (as well as for ISDN and for "limited" DSL) is the non-scaleabilty of base network traffic.

I am on such a crippled DSL line (768 kbit/s down but only 128 kbit/s upstream) and I have to cut down the upload limit to 5k during downloads or else my own downloads will be massively slowed.

I would gladly increase this rate even to a point at which my downloads are a bit slower then max if it would realy benefit those people downloading from me.

My advise for anyone with one line (either up or down) below ~100k would be to stick to "classic" clients until there is some network traffic scaleability implemented.

Note to the developer:
Realy love the program but using about half my upstream continuously for search traffic is imho not very supportive to the network as downloads are seriously slowed down.
I understand that balance between high search results and good file transfer rates is pretty hard achieve with one set of settings so I would love to have the freedom to adjust those to my own connections limits.
Don't get me wrong this bit about xolox does not bug me personal as I can limit uploads and still get good enough download rates, but it just lets me wonder how long people will stick to this programm if lots of hosts have to limit transferrates.

Just my 0.02€ :-)
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