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  #209 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
arf arf
Posts: n/a

Image dimensions should be one of the column choices for media searches -- and should replace the useless Bitrate column as the default rightmost column for image searches.

The ipod spams would be easier to avoid this way, since the jpegs are all the same dimensions. They come in several file sizes (anyone have a clue why?) and they don't ALWAYS seem to show huge numbers of sources, a T1 speed, and a name that contains all the query terms, in order, and no other words. They OFTEN do, but not always, not by a long shot. The wmvs are all soo small in file size to be legit, which makes those easy to avoid. The jpegs that do fit the pattern described above are equally easy to avoid. But the "stealth ipods", jpegs with a couple of modem and cable sources and a random name that isn't just your query string slightly modified, continue to be a massive nuisance -- especially because every time I delete some from my download directory, the next time Limewire successfully downloads a file Explorer wedges and I have to reboot.
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