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Old July 24th, 2005
bloodhoney bloodhoney is offline
Join Date: July 24th, 2005
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 1
bloodhoney is flying high
Default This downloading shizz, and RIAA ?

Okay, so I've been downloading from Limewire for awhile, and with all the talk about the RIAA, it's just nerving. I've noticed alot of files have labels like RIAA (or maybe those are comments) anyway, is it safe for me to down load files that are labled under that name. I mean I have already downloaded these types of files a couple of times, but I just kept thinking maybe somehow I was lucky not to get a virus. Or maybe it means nothing. I wonder has anyone got caught downloading from limewire...
I'm just curious, how do music files get downloaded to limewire?
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