Thread: Browsing Hosts
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Old July 29th, 2005
OutToDestroyTheEarth OutToDestroyTheEarth is offline
Join Date: April 3rd, 2005
Location: New York City
Posts: 16
OutToDestroyTheEarth is flying high

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to browse a host other than them blocking you.

1 ] It is possible that you and the downloder are connected through another members computer and that member has blocked browsing or has a firewall.

2] the person you wish to browse has just logged off.

3] Many people with modems have splitters that allow them to use the same phone line for their regular telephone. to do this the signal is shut on and off rapidly at the same time the phone signal is so that the computer is connected for 1/10,000 a second, then the phone is connected the next 1/10,000 second, then back to the computer. Such a connection may fool the limewire browse program into thinking that the person has logged off.

4] poor internet connections

5] another possible problem is that limewire may be tricked into browsing the wrong member. If you had downloaded file X in the past and are now browsing someone who is downloading file X from you then limewire may be searching for the member you downloaded from instead.
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