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Old August 1st, 2005
zbucket zbucket is offline
Join Date: July 31st, 2005
Location: I don't know, but I'm cold and frightened
Posts: 7
zbucket is flying high

If you have moved the downloaded songs to another folder, computer or ipod, etc then try just pressing the refresh button. Occasionally I have come across a few files that can't be deleted through LimeWire and have to be deleted through DOS or the DOS application in windows.

If you really get stuck and can't get rid of them in LimeWire or through deleting the files manually in windows; in LimeWire left click on tools, options, saving. In the box next to directory is the pathway that you save your downloads into. Write this down exactly , then go into your start menu in windows and select accessories then command prompt, this should bring up the DOS window. (A black screen with writing on it and a flashing cursor)

EDIT: Command prompt may be listed as msDOS or similar depending on which version of windows you have installed.

Type "cd\" (which should bring up something like "c:\" then type in the pathway you copied exactly. Type in either dir/p or dir/w to bring up all the files you have in that folder a page at a time, copying down the names of the files you want to delete.

Then delete them by typing "del (name of file including the space and the .mp3 file extension" and press enter. Type y if it gives you a "are you sure you want to delete this file? y/n" option. You can check that the file has been deleted by typing dir/p or dir/w again.

If you want to get rid of all the music files in that folder in one go type "del *.mp3" The * symbol is like a wild card and will delete any file ending with .mp3 WARNING this will delete every mp3 file in that folder whether you want to or not, so make sure that you want them all gone as you can't restore them from the recycle bin afterwards.

Hope that helps ZB

Last edited by zbucket; August 1st, 2005 at 09:41 PM.
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