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Old November 9th, 2001
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Default Limewire using SocksCap and Socks2http?

I'm trying to connect via a university network that is blocking the standard Limewire ports. So, I've looked around and from what I read, I need to use SocksCap and Socks2Http. Downloaded them and tried to set them up with the information I could piece together, but as of yet I have had no luck. Unless you count the 2 seconds it connected to a host, but then immedeately disconnected.

I believe I have the SocksCap configuration figured out. I set the Socks server address as my IP and set the port as 1080, correct? How do I know to chose between Socks4 and Socks5?

Then with Socks2Http, I'm not using a proxy to connect to http, so I don't need to worry about that. Do I need to set up Gateway? And if so, what information am I going to need? Then I set the Socks port as 1080 to match what I set it as in SocksCap, correct?

Is there any settings I will need to change in my Network settings? I saw something about enabling DNS, but I did so and it did not get Limewire to work. If I do need to enable it, how do I configue the DNS settings?

When all of that is done, what port do I need to set Limewire's preferences to listen on for hosts?

Thank you for any help
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