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Old August 19th, 2005
trippinout38 trippinout38 is offline
Join Date: July 2nd, 2005
Posts: 4
trippinout38 is flying high

i seriously need help. i had limewire basic for about 5 months, from february to june, and then i tried to download pro. for the next month, it just wouldnt connect. i tried everything that everyone suggested to no avail. i finally just gave up when even here nobody really helped me. im trying again now starting with pro. i dont even know if it will connect because when i try to open it it says "Limewire was unable to initialize and start. This is usually due to a firewall program blocking Limewire's access to the internet or loopback connections on the local machine. Please allow Limewire access to the internet and restart Limewire." i dont know what to do since this is still popping up with the firewall up. if someone could help me even open it, thatd be great. thanks a lot. oh and heres the info about my computer.

1. OS version?: windows xp
2. What firewalls you have? netgear 108 mps
3. How much ram? 504 MB
4. Hard Disk space available? 34.8 GB
5. Connection type?: cable modem
6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers? RCA DCM 315
7. Where are you trying to connect from? home
8. What version of Limewire & Java do you have?: Limewire Pro 4.9.23, Java 1.4.2_05
9. Who is your isp provider? Earthlink Cable through TimeWarner
10. Is this a your 1st try at LW or is this a new problem with an experienced user.: new problem, have had it for almost 6 months, it worked perfectly until I tried to switch to Pro, first problemsabout a month ago, gave up on it after about a week, then tried again.
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