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Old August 28th, 2005
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ViperGeek ViperGeek is offline
Join Date: August 27th, 2005
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Default Best for Gnet: fewer fast slots or lots of slow slots?

I've been toying with the upload slots vs. the upload speed in Limewire. It seems that most of the time, I'm uploading rather than downloading and was curious if there was a general concensus over which is better: less slots at higher speed or lots of slots at lower speed?

If I run my cable modem wide open, I can supply about 128KBps of upload (big B). If I only allow 4 upload slots, that gives each lucky Gnuteller 32KBps download rate. If I open this up to 12, then each poor soul only gets about 10KBps download.

Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or is it better to get people what they need quickly and get 'em out of the way for the next downloader?
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