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Old September 5th, 2000
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fist_187 fist_187 is offline
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Join Date: September 3rd, 2000
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Lightbulb IP address detection

most people i've talked to don't know what the "force ip" option is for- it's an under-documented topic. if you've been using the gnutella genre of file sharing for a while, you've probably noticed that you can't download from anyone with IP addesses starting 192.168.x.x or 10.0.x.x... this is because (as you know) these addresses are reserved for home networks, and don't work on the internet.
so here's the idea:
gnotella should run a check when it starts up. if it finds an IP starting with 192.168.etc... then it could prompt the user to run winipcfg.exe and get the correct address. or, Gnotella could run the check itself.

another helpful fix would be for Gnotella to allow DNS names like "". for those who aren't familiar with dyndns, it stands for dynamic DNS... its a service where you can sign up for a subdomain of several domains, and by running a small program, the DNS server follows your changing IP (good for cable/DSL users who run servers). that would be just one other way that dialup users could keep their IP correct without updating it every time they used the program.

longwinded, but does anyone agree?
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