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Old September 16th, 2005
Nu7s Nu7s is offline
Join Date: September 16th, 2005
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Nu7s is flying high
Default Unable to resume incomplete downloads

I upgraded to the new Limewire today, and started downloading some new files. But I kept getting the "freezing" error, so I decided to downgrage to 2.8. But when starting up Limwire, it said it couldn't restore my old downloads.
They are still in the "incomplete" folder, but when I browse to them using the Media tab (don't really know the english word for it, i'm using the dutch version) and I click on the file & resume. It starts all over. It starts downloading from 0%. I already tried reinstalling the latest Limewire, but it does the same.
I know in the past I was able to resume downloads that way.

Is there a way to fix this?


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