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Old September 22nd, 2005
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
On Holiday
Join Date: August 7th, 2005
Posts: 971
Sphinx is flying high

Is there some sort of trick that spammers use to tell the program that these files are tagged with my search string, or is there something wrong with my download?

Spammers like very, very long names in their files so it will showup in the searches, you can filterout most of the junk files in your Limewire under options to show only the search results you want. They will sometimes name the files wrong and beware the viruses/worms/trojans as well when searching. hope this helps?

I try to filterout what I can in my prefs, to avoid the crap files. and no, there's nothing wrong with your downloading. thats the users trying to play tricks on others users to try to give you viruses and things like that.
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