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Old September 25th, 2005
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Peerless Peerless is offline
Riding a Pale Horse and Wielding THE Sword of the Forum
Join Date: June 19th, 2002
Location: Your Worst Nightmare
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Peerless is a jewel in the rough

Originally posted by et voilą
LW can be sued. They will try to avoid that by not allowing shaing of unlicensed files (99,99% of files, even 90% of legal files don't have a lisence). That means that the next version of LW will kill LW itself because nothing will be available (you can look into the new code at Really sad. Whenever LW realeases a new update, DON'T UPGRADE! Or switch to another P2P client.

There will be LW forks... But LW is dead. Dead.

BS is dead and now LW, Gnutella will suffer a lot in the next year

this whole thing is very, very disturbing...

it looks like only major record labels are going to be able to distribute stuff in the near future...ppl like me, who without a doubt own all legal rights to their materials, will be unable to use the internet to freely distribute their works...what a farking joke...

just more proof that there is indeed a conspiracy to take over and control the world...who are the conspirators?...the rich of course, who else?
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