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Old October 12th, 2005
Jordan2912 Jordan2912 is offline
Join Date: October 12th, 2005
Posts: 1
Jordan2912 is flying high
Default Ahhh! Itunes help ! going mad ! Please !

thought id finally found a package that i could download all the tunes i want on and put them on my ipod for free. but none of the songs that ive downloaded on limewire have appeared in my itunes, all the songs ive downloaded just stay in the limewire library so all i can do with them is listen to them on my pc. I want to be able to put the songs on my ipod.
it says in the FAQ that a folder should appear in my itunes library called JordansLimewire tunes or something similar to that , but theres nothing there. all thats in my itunes library is the tunes that were already there that id put on my ipod from cd's that i own. please help. im using windows xp by the way.

please do help me, would be much appreciated
thanks, Jordan
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