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Old October 12th, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Default 134.2 etc

It is worth running a bitzi search on some of these file. I did one and I was informed the file was in fact an iPod advertisement, harmless on this occasion, but annoying and taking up space on the network. To perform Bitzi search, right click on any file on Limewire and selecting Bitzi look-up will open your browser and take you to a web page for the result, (which it can not always give as it does not have the information).

Remember that a single song audio file will be somewhere between 3 and 6 MB. These nasty little files are about 1/3rd of a Megabite which is the size of no audio file other than one that lasts about 20 seconds.

If you make a search for an old and relatively obscure song, I would be very dubious of a result that came up showing more than a VERY few identical files

Limewire Pro will nor prevent these problems. The problem is that if you type in, say "Abboy Road" which I did the other day by mistake, you will most likely get a result similar to the type you describe,(I did)... as these spammers have software which replicates the name of any search being made.

I recall not finding that song either and settled for Juliette Greco instead ... not impressed

If Limewire had size filters ...............

I hope this helps.
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