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Old October 15th, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Mandilou said "Sorry for calling you a girl" I didn't think you did .. I thought you were just covering your back for all eventualities.

Sorry about the files! I did not think to warn you On my version of Limewire it is not possible to delete files from the Library. Yet apparently it is still possible on everyone elses. I wish to God Limewire would remove this totally useless option! End of my daily rant on the subject.

I'm not quite sure how iTunes works in Windows, but at any rate you can order the iTunes library by "date added", or by "Name" , or almost anything else by right clicking on the bar above the tunes and selecting any one of many column headings. Then clcking on the top of that column will order the items as per that column ... I hope you undestand what I mean!

Good Luck
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