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Old November 1st, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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occasionally a file will resume from zero, I've no explanation to that. If every single file resumes from zero it indicates a problem.

If you resume a file from the incomlete folder, it will normally go to the downlad window and start a coundown looking for sources. If you are lucky it wil start downloading again from where it left off.

If you do another search and find a file with what look likes a broken file icon, it means you have that file, incomplete, and it should resume if you go to download.

If you move your incomplete folder or Limewire or your computer crashes, it is possible that your incomplete downloads may become damaged.

If you find a similar file ( same but not with a broken icon eg) and you try to download it will not resume an incomplete file it will be to all purpuses a new and different file. It is just possible that Limewire might identify a file like this as the same file and then be unable to resume the incomplete as it is in fact not the same file. I have had a related problem once or twice when all files with the same name as I had just downloaded were showing green ticks, but some had different bit rates and sizes, Limewire just identified them all, wrongly, as the same. Restaring Limewire cured that problem.

I just put down some thoughts which have all been explored, but amongst them you might find something useful.
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