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Old November 14th, 2005
DeirdreFP DeirdreFP is offline
Join Date: November 14th, 2005
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 1
DeirdreFP is flying high
Unhappy Need Help Moving Songs To itunes

So I'm a Mac user and I'm trying to set my dad's PC up for limewire and itunes... as if I didn't notice the change in systems before, I certainly am now.... HELP! I don't know how but on my mac account all songs downloaded from limewire automatically move over to itunes. Now both are downloaded on this computer, but I can't seem to make them work together... unless of course I manually move the files over and drop them in itunes. Now I'm sure there's a simple explanation on how to make limewire and itunes co-exist on a PC, but I can't seem to find it :'( I followed the steps layed out on the help website for limewire, but still it's no use!
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks soooooo much!

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