Someone tell me how the Gnutella program 5 years ago had a file size filter that worked on the network but not a file size filter now with people complaining about how difficult it is to impliment this filter... I'm assuming that the Gnutella program years ago ran on the Gnutella network or am I wrong here?
I think this file size filter can be addressed in two steps.
1. Simply write in the Limewire program itself to not display files under a specified size. Wouldn't that be easy! Even though those file would still be on the network and searched at least they wouldn't be displayed in the program. This would at least deter the virus kingdom from being know. Then again they can just add dummy files to make them bigger. But still, if they have to make their virus/ipod adds over 100mb or 500mb that would sure slow them down. I think this would be a good start.
2. Work on the network filtering here so that those file sizes (under or over) are just overlooked. This would complete the problem and I'm sure lots of former Limewire users like myself would return to the network. I took my 80GB's of shared files elseware till this problem is solved as I'm sure many already have as well. And as far as the guy that said that this isn't a high priority (if he's right) then Limewire is making a big mistake because there are fewer and fewer legit files being shared.

Ok, for some reason that made me laugh!
I've noticed less and less results where there were a lot more a year ago. Probably because users like myself are switching to other programs where they have those filters. Like Ares. It works perfectly! The only thing I like about limewire is the network but even that's failing.