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Old December 5th, 2005
photohammer photohammer is offline
Join Date: May 12th, 2005
Posts: 11
photohammer is flying high
Default the most useful feature could be allowing users to edit filters...

the most useful feature could be allowing users to edit filters... currently as I'm sure you know durning a search your results will show a load of files with 851.7kb as the file size this as we know is nothing but a virus file and it has been discussed in the forms for some time..

also a filter with the option - fike must be greater than or less than (user enters number in kb or mb) -- would make a real differance

the addition of a size filter would eliminate 75% of bogus files.. or is the offical position on this "we don't care" or "we know we are the ones putting the virus out and are secretly being paid by software and record companies"
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