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Old December 6th, 2005
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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I don't know which government you are talking about but there are numerous government agencies poking around inside your PC when you start to download using P2P software. The agencies range from Chinese, French, British, Canadian, US etc. and any number of local, city and other authorities, I won't even go into the number of computer companies.

You may asked how I know all this, I read my PeerGuardian 2 logs. PeerGuardian is a small utility that examines all IPs connecting to your PC on the IP level and logs all the IPs it encounters, which is broken into two lists Allowed and Blocked. And I can guarantee you, the very first PG2 log you see will shock you.

Finally, you may also wonder why your firewall does not stop these intruders, because to get LW or any P2P app to work you have to allow access to and from port 6346. Knowing this allows the agencies to tailor their autobots to appear as requested downloads.

So, if you're really worried about "the govenment" snooping around inside your PC then get, install and use this essential free utility:

UK Bob
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