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Old November 29th, 2001
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
lazy dragon - retired mod
Join Date: October 14th, 2001
Location: Germany
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Hi Becker!

He doesnīt have connection problems, he got his connection...

And dropping hosts are normal for the Gnet...

So I donīt no why he is talking about connection problems?

I can help the people with connection problems but if he is out of luck and his horizon is as he said about 117... what can we do, there are several possible reasons - for example local problems with the provider!

Bearshare has a problem with LANs... but we cannot talk here about a general connetion problem, this problem didnīt change since 2.2.7!

All people in Germany, without a LAN, get a connetion...
ok some have to ask but after we helped them there is no problem left...

So if he donīt get a "stable" connection, it might be local problems that should be checked...

But as I said this are no general problems with the version 2.3.0!



Thanks for helping!
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