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  #884 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2005
paolini paolini is offline
Join Date: December 27th, 2005
Location: cHICAGO
Posts: 2
paolini is flying high

Thank you Lord Of the rings for ur reply

Well I try severals times to delete LW preferences but it didn't work

paolini what's changed since it was working?
Since aproximatly a month, I launch LW on day and it say that it can connect to the network because my computer is probably firewalled but I didn't change anything on my configuration and my firewall, I disable it and nothing change, trying many ports, forwarding...nothing!

I don;t use a personal router or modem, I am directly connected to the swich board of the bulding, unless they install a hardware firewall to lock P2P transfert, I don't see, I called the ISP but they said that they don't change anything in there config

I try other gnutella software like sharezza , morpheus but same thing, it's seem like I can go anymore to Gnutella network
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