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Old January 6th, 2006
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
On Holiday
Join Date: April 20th, 2005
Posts: 3,279
Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

um ..... with a lot of luck

Enable chat in your options or preferences. Right click on a file connected with your chat "victim" Select Chat. If a dialogue box appears. The rest is straightforward ... welll very often you type a message and then see "Host unavailable" Often no box appears ...

The system is very hit and miss and depends on the client the host is using, firewalls number of up and downloads going on, firewalls etc. Many people who actually do connect and start a chat get so excited that they hit the Block host button by mistake and ruin it all LOL

So It works like you might well have guessed ... only, sadly, not very often
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