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Old December 4th, 2001
umStefa umStefa is offline
Starving Student
Join Date: November 7th, 2001
Posts: 17
umStefa is flying high

Thanks for the advice backmann, unfortunatly it did not completly solve my problem.

I tried the changes and this improved my connectivity by a couple of hours (from a average of 2 or 3 to 8 to 10 before a disconnection).

I changed my setup to try and isolate the problem by adding a second network card to my computer and connecting my notebook through ICS. Works like a charm (can easily run 24 hours without any problems on the gnutella network). So this means that I definatly have a software problem.

I have tried Gnucleus, Xolox, Limewire, Phex and Bearshare on my Windows XP computer but with no sucess.

Anybody have any other ideas? or am I just stuck waiting for software upgrades?
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