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Old February 3rd, 2006
lynnM26 lynnM26 is offline
Join Date: February 2nd, 2006
Posts: 3
lynnM26 is flying high
Unhappy This girl needs help

Ok...I have tried practically everything Trying to contact Linksys is a waste of time (trust me) if you have any info about the Linksys Model # NR041-WM Please let me know. I have updated Java, and I have researched UPnP. I used to just be able to type in other peoples Direct Connect and it worked just fine...I don't get what went wrong. Now the exact thing it says is: Your computer is behind a firewall or a router and cannot receive Direct connections. I have done the research about my firewall, and Limewire is allowed. I have also allowed Gnutella, by going to properties, advance and entering the information. I have also clicked the link given in the forum and it said the test was good. What am I doing wrong??? Im somewhat computer savvy, but I like a step by step because this seems so technical..Someone please help a girl out. I just wanna Direct Connect --Please Help Me...Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeee
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