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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 11th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Cool Firewall problems - connectivity issues

What someone needs to do is create a client that communicates on port 80. This traffic then wouldn't be as detectable by a packet filtering firewall - as many companies allow un-blocked outbound traffic for port 80. The traffic would be less conspicuous unless you were hogging up the bandwidth.

Then, you would have to worry about a network intrustion detection engine looking for the standard Gnutella connect string. If someone could make this client alter the connection string also, you would have a "stealth" client - that is until people realized that.

The problem that you want people to be sharing files but the more people who know, the higher likeliness that it is the Network Security Community will create counter-measures.

Make a client that permits you to alter the connect string and allows you to change port, then create a forum where people can share connect strings and ports - possibly with importable and exportable settings that they could transfer to each other via another means - e-mail, or have them posted in a forum or a web page. This would counter most Network Security options and would make a Guerilla sharing client.

If you can do that, the RIAA will never be able to stop you - nor will your bosses! <remove the no.spam>
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