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Old February 12th, 2006
trooworld trooworld is offline
Join Date: February 5th, 2006
Location: San Diego
Posts: 4
trooworld is flying high
Question what is your maximum downloads set to?

Hi. I have followed these configurations and I am not sure that I have the optimum speeds. I was wondering if I could have some examples of what people that are having good speeds, their number of maximum downloads?

My specs are:

Windows XP
Pentium 4, 2Ghz processor, 512MB ram
cable modem
Limewire 4.10.5
Firewall: ZoneAlarm
anti-virus: AVG free
download speed: 2445 kbps (305.7 KB/sec)
upload speed: 498 kbps (62.3 KB/sec)

My maximum downloads are set to: 10, is that not enough? My speeds range from 2KB/s - about 40KB/s.

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