Thread: OS Indication
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Old February 18th, 2006
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Default reply to ferral

Hi, Ferral, I will make a very short note (it is after all not so short!), since I don't want to get off subject from that forum... It is true that having used the both, MAc and Windows, I made my choice, and would make it again without an once of a regret, and I certainly don't mind to drive 160 km to Paris for a Mac shop, when I need something, since, I don't think it is paying to much for the fact, looking around in the Windows world, not to care about virusses, worms, spy etc... and, among other things, to never bog ! but that is all ready off the subject of that forum, and my complaint, or enquiry was not to have difficulties to find wares and so on, but to not been able to know in advance what is in the box I am getting... to have to download some time 8 or 9 times what I need till I find the suitable one... Obviously, you are driving a PC... fine, but, would it come to your mind to download some thing advertized : "so an so for Mac OSX dmg"unless you'd like to spend energy and time for nothing, I don't think you'd do!... In the opposite, if I do need the "so and so", and if it is advertised for OSX, and in dmg or sit or sitX, I try to download it... and find myself with a thing I can't use... I am not even complaining about shop sites or home sites from diverse wares, codecs, filters and so on which don't always bother to precise Windows or Mac... I myself, try to think a little bit to the other chap, (and for instance, got a Norton, certainly not for me, but not to spray annoyance uploading to others which are using Windows or else)... but I know, people not always do think to others... and well so is the world ! No, I am only wondering why people would pack up something for Windows, and advertize it for OSX... it seems it could only be malicious, unless there would be a good reason that I'd like to discover.
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