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Old March 15th, 2006
kickinsound kickinsound is offline
Join Date: March 14th, 2006
Posts: 3
kickinsound is flying high

Ahhh ya all those filter options sound great. I loved it with winmx you could search for everything from 192 and up. limiting file size is also a great option. You see so many of these faked songs that are a certain size.

Another feature request that I have thought about a few times is, that its quite annoying when you have to type in everything you are looking for over and over again. If you are always on the look out for certain things like songs from a certain group or pictures from your favorite sci-fi artist or what ever have a little button to ad it to a perma search so that everytime you start up the program it will start looking for those items. Not right away. I think after it has checked the files you are are sharing first, then start up the searches.

This does not seem like much, but usually when I have FW open there are at least 8 to 9 things I am always looking for, specifically really rare songs or just rare artists that I can't get anywhere else, in store or off file sharing.

I actually created a text file so that I can just copy and paste each of the items in.

Basically just have it so that we select what kind of file we are looking for.

Put in the name

Then have a "search" button there or "add to perma search" which then adds it to a list of things to look for with all the options we added in. And then starts the search for it also.

Course there would have have to be a away to remove things from the perma search list cause after we find the what ever we are looking for, we don't need to keep looking for it.

Oh and another feature that would be great would be an "ignore" button. Basically if you see a file you want download it and find its a fake, you can right click on it and ignore the file and it (and any versions of it) would be ignored. Base it on the checksum thing or what ever it is that all files have.

Course an "ignore all files with this same extention and this exact filesize" button/ability would be nice too.

With a way to remove it too just incase you hit the wrong file.

No matter if these suggestions/requests get used or rejected I think the people working on FW are doing a good job. Again keep up the good work.
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