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Old March 19th, 2006
Kara66 Kara66 is offline
Join Date: March 19th, 2006
Posts: 1
Kara66 is flying high
Unhappy Same problem here

I've got the same problem with just a few of the files I've downloaded. They're .mp3 files. They DO play with Realplayer. But with Windows Media Player, they either 1) "play" without sound, or 2) don't play & there's an error message.

Can't figure out what to do with these. Tried downloading other instances of the same files, but have had the same problem.

I'm using the free Limewire version 4.10.9; OS is XP home edition with all MS updates.

Anyone have any ideas about what's going wrong here or how to fix/deal with it?

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