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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 21st, 2001
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by afisk
This is the way it's supposed to work. With the new network structure (with UltraPeers) you do not need to open nearly as many connections to get just as good search results. In fact, you cannot open more than one connection when you become a client peer, meaning that an UltraPeer is acting as a sort of "proxy" for you on the network, shielding you from message traffic, and saving all of your bandwidth for uploads and downloads.

Give it a little time. It's a far more efficient way for the network to run, and I guaruantee that you'll like it better over the long term.
I don't know what you mean by getting the same search results. I have a win2k machine with 1.8c and a Mac OSX machine with the 2.x client. They are right next to each other and on the same network connection. I do the same exact search on them. The win2k machine gets at least 20-100 hits. The OSX machine gets 0, sometimes 1. This isn't just for one type of search, I have done a few hundred searches already since 2.x came out to test it out. Since I can't get mac software from my OS X box, I have been downloading it from my win2k machine and then ftping it to my OS X machine. Talk about efficient....sure.....
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