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Old June 16th, 2006
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AaronWalkhouse AaronWalkhouse is offline
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Join Date: January 17th, 2005
Location: My igloos melt in June.
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AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

As I recall, a majority did vote against the current group, but the Electoral
College system, coupled with a bit of tactical disenfranchisement and
gerrymandering in a few key states made a close election swing against the

As for the concentration camp, not only is it still as illegal as the day it
opened, but we just don't know how many of those political prisoners are
terrorists or just trapped innocents because none have yet had a fair
and open trial.

What I would do is put them on the most widely televised trials in history in a
public place like the Hague and let a proper court hang them once all doubt
was extinguished or release them as quickly as humanly possible. If that had
been done right from the start we'd have boiled that number down to a few
dozen real terrorists by now and the shopkeepers abducted by mistake would
all be back in their shops.

We caught some of those characters just last week and we did it right. They
never got the chance to stage their wave of attacks and they are all facing
real courts with real judges in full view of the public. We got it right and did it
so efficiently that not one person was hurt and not one suspect was
treated unjustly.

Watch and learn, America, as the country that called it right on Gitmo and the
Iraq war from the start shows you how 9/11 and "the war on terror" should
have played out.
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