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Old June 17th, 2006
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AaronWalkhouse AaronWalkhouse is offline
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Originally Posted by Grandpa
You mean to tell me that if it hadn't been for the fact that 911 happened that these people would have been caught any way.Yea right I believe that. Although it is possible. But the situation is a little different. Any idiot could have figured out that a group of people with known ties to terrorist buying several thousand pounds of ammonia nitrate were up to something. But I very seriously doubt that it would have even been noticed if 911 hadn't happened. Their is quite a bit of difference in the circumstances here Aaron. Like you said not one person was Injured. Not thousands killed. That is not a very good comparison.
It is the perfect comparison, because we didn't drop the ball when the clues
were paraded right by, and if those jokers had succeeded the damage would
have been just as great to us as it was to the U.S. Like I said, this is how
9/11 should have played out.

And during war time it is not illegal to hold prisoners of war. Although as I stated before I do not agree with every thing that has happened.
As for "prisoners of war", you do realize that if the political prisoners at Gitmo
had been designated as such instead of illegally held, they would have all had
their trials by now, don't you? That's what crime was carried out against
those men and boys.

And you still haven't answered the question of what should happen to the regimes that kill thousands of their own people just because they believe differently than the ruling government. Oh I know turn your head and look the other way. They are just people any way.
You claim those prisoners are the ones who kill thousands for political reasons?
Prove it. Show us the evidence. You can't because the Boy Emperor George
is afraid to let anybody see the lack of evidence. Most of those abductees
are nothing of the sort.

You can't claim to be just and civilized if you are not willing to respect the
law. As long as americans turn their head and look away from what their own
president is doing, they must share the guilt and the consequences of his
crimes. Canadians don't do that, which is why our former Prime Minister
is out of office and keeping his head down right now for misuse of a relatively
tiny amount of promotional funds and why his party is virtually wiped out of
Parliament for the next decade or so.

You want to tar others, better test the brush against your own skin first to
see if it would stick there instead of where you wanted. Both Saddam and
Usama were your government's boys in the first place. You made them, armed
them, backed them, betrayed them, and now you are enjoying the fruits of
your labours. While you're thinking about these most recent examples, cast a
fond memory of your other old buddies like Noriega, the Contras, Marcos, the
good old days in Iran and on and on…

Last edited by AaronWalkhouse; June 17th, 2006 at 07:10 AM.
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