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Old June 17th, 2006
look-up look-up is offline
Join Date: June 17th, 2006
Posts: 6
look-up is flying high
Default I strongly believe that certain files are being blocked, like "Loose Change"?

As many of you know, there is an eye-opening documentary called "Loose Change" which is being heavily circulated around the web. 96% of people who watch the entire thing agree that the government has lied to us about 9/11. In fact, as many of those 96% agree, the Neoconcervatives and/or PNAC have actually PERPETRATED the attacks of 9/11.

I have been sharing this file on Limewire ever since I downloaded it a month and a half ago. At first, only a few people uploaded, then the frequency picked up drastically. There was a week or two when over 1,000 attempted uploads (some did not finish) came through my Limewire client.

Then, all of a sudden, they stopped, and have not resumed. I cannot believe that the public interest in this film has just stopped as suddenly as the uploads. When I do a search for "911 loose change" which used to return hundreds of results, it now returns next to nothing.

Of course, because of the conspiratory allegations contained in the movie, I expected someone to try to keep us from seeing it.

I believe they have already done so. Who "They" is, I really don't know. I'm hoping some of you can enlighten me as to how someone could block certain files and searches. I know this is happening, and if you search for "Flight 93" which is the name of the propeganda movie recently in theaters, you will see that the file size of many of the results is 698.4MB, and if you already have Loose Change, Limewire will recognize that you already have the file because they are in fact the same file.

Many Limewire users seem to have realized that it is being blocked and have tried to rename the file to get it through to the public. First, if you don't believe what I'm saying, go to and watch it for yourself, then think about how someone might block files and searches.

Thanks for any insight you may have.
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