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Old June 22nd, 2006
ReDHeAD892 ReDHeAD892 is offline
Join Date: June 21st, 2006
Posts: 5
ReDHeAD892 is flying high

1. Windows Xp
2. McAfee, and then just Windows
3. do you mean how much room?
4. no
5. dial-up
6. ?
7. home
8. LW - 4.10.9, Java - 1.5.0_07
9. AOL
10. no
11. this is a new problem and i've been w/ LW for about 4 months. The difference is that i traveled to a different state for the summer, and i'm using a different computer so i had to install limewire and java on this computer and for some reason its not working...obviously.
12. the test worked
13. yes i do see a brickwall, but i did try the procedure you advised where you add gnutella, etc. and the brick wall still didn't go away.

i really hope you can help me!

- amanda
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