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Old June 27th, 2006
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
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Join Date: August 7th, 2005
Posts: 971
Sphinx is flying high

The problem is that every time you try to download something you get nothing but virus files which makes Limewire useless
Not true. Its not Limewire that useless, it's the users who use it that dont know what they're doing or talking about that are useless. Guess you kids never took basic math. Thats what you get when you download zip files and trying to steal software. I have no sympathy for anyone who doesnt know the basics of math or P2P or cant read a forum or browse before they post. If you're getting viruses, then I suggest you stay away from such files.

and its not Limewire but Gnutella users and their dummy computers that are spreading the viruses for newbies to download NOT Limewire.
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