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Old January 5th, 2002
cultiv8r cultiv8r is offline
Join Date: August 9th, 2001
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Posts: 358
cultiv8r is flying high

I was pointed out to the following link:

ClickTillUWin Privacy Terms

At section 19, it clearly details how to remove this adware, now dubbed as a trojan by many prominent anti-virus companies.

What worries me, is when companies such as LimeWire are saying they were (quoted from CNN) "led to believe the program did no more than link to a game". That means they have NEVER read the privacy terms of this particular 3rd party application. If they did, they would have known it wasn't just linking.

Whether this happened through Cydoor or one of ClickTillUWin's partners (, Kazaa, Grokster, etc.) This kind of thing shouldn't have happened in the first place.

And it makes me wonder now: If they're not reading the privacy terms of 3rd party software included, are they really concerned with your privacy or what is installed on your system?

-- Mike
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