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Old August 11th, 2006
SteveD SteveD is offline
Join Date: August 11th, 2006
Posts: 1
SteveD is flying high
Default Limewire causing re-boot!!!

I've had the same problem with Limewire ever since I downloaded it, and I purchased PRO to see it it helped but its still happenig.

Basically at seemingly random times while Limewire is running (while searching, while downloading, while downloading multiple) my computer just dies and reboots itself.

It seems to happen most during downloading and is really frustrating the hell out of me.

Im no techie, but my PC isnt bad - just about a year old and was a fairly standard package when bought, I've got Mcafee (dont know if the firewall affects) and for those in the UK im on BT Broadband with an Alcatel SpeedTouch USB Modem.

Anyone experienced similar and can help I would be very very grateful!!
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