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Old August 13th, 2006
nowhere665 nowhere665 is offline
Join Date: August 13th, 2006
Posts: 1
nowhere665 is flying high
Smile Automatic retry on "Fail to Download"

Hi all,

I used to be a WinMX user before and one of the nicest feature it had was an automatic retry on files that failed to download because of lost link. Basically it was possible to set the retry time (in increments of 10 minutes), so if ever a file to download looses the link with user(s), WinMx would automatically try to find more download sources at the programmed time interval until it finds a source and starts downloading or goes in user queue.

Why it was nice? Because this way it was possible to leave the soft running for long time with many files to download and the soft would by itself maintain and manage the download links for each of them.

With LimeWire currently, if during the night while I am away one of the file to download fails, it will go into "fail to download" and stay there. Adding this feature would be particularly usefull for hard to find files.

Would be nice and usefull for all to see this added to Limewire.

If ever this feature is already in the soft, please advise how to activate it.

Write to me if you have questions.

Take care all.....

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