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Old August 19th, 2006
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wondering why wondering why is offline
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Join Date: September 11th, 2005
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 6,677
wondering why is just really nice

Ok, try this one 12020...Make sure you enter that number in every box that has to have a number entered...Even this one: LimeWire's Port for incoming connections....
Make sure Limew 1 is set for TCP and Limew 2 is set for UDP...
Make sure in Limewire itself you enter 12020 in the manual port forward box and 12020 in the listen box...
Make sure you select Limewire in the drop down box at the end and enable it...
After all that is done shut the comp down and see when you start up Limewire again if the wall has gone...

If you dont live for something...
You die for nothing...
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