Thread: Search Queue
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Old January 13th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb Search Queue

KUDOS to the engineering team for Mac v 2.0. Much more stable (haven't crashed yet), and the preferences are now stored. Thanks!

I'd like the ability to create and manage a list of items for searching. For example... at the moment I'd like to find the music theme from Ken Burns' Civil War documentary, called "Ashoken Farewell". So, I searched for it and found no hits.

It would be great if, after not finding it, I could add that to a search queue. Mostly, it would be a convenient "shopping list" for me, though it could actually be more useful if there were some search queue management features, such as...
<li>Search on term for XX seconds, if no hits are found, put that term back in the "search queue" and move on to the next term in the list.

<li> Renew search on unfound terms after XX minutes.

<li> Remove item from list after XX unsuccessful searches (options include)

<li> Remove item after found? (I collect multiple versions of songs, i.e., the same jazz standard by Sinatra, Torme, and Cole, so sometimes I want to search again, even though I found it before.)

<li> Create a "priority search" for items that were previously found but not downloadable. For example, let's say I find the tune I want at 123.45.678.90 and after several attempts, I get the "couldn't download" message. I'd like to add that to the search queue, along with the IP address. Then next time I sign on, the search would go directly to that server. (I'm not sure this is practical given the infrastructure, but it seems like it would reduce network traffic by targeting a high probability source for the search.)
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