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Old August 25th, 2006
limewireuserabuser limewireuserabuser is offline
Join Date: August 23rd, 2006
Posts: 30
limewireuserabuser is flying high

First of all, Im not whining, im voicing my opinion, and I'm glad you're trying to put it down, it just makes my day... second, I would still like to see a size filter anyways so i can only look for a given file when I know the aproximate filesize, third, what kind of things do you look for with limewire? Im sure you cant say without lying you've never donloaded anything which you weren't suppossed to, so don't come in here acting noble , because you're not fooling anyone but yourself.
If you want to assume i "steal" software, then, hey, you're just going to have to figure that sh!t out on your own, I won't lose any sleep over it.
Another thing, since these tojans get generated and become whatever they want, how come they don't spawn into bigger full programs? I mean, whoever makes these codes should know that most people will not download, let's say windows xp, for the sake of argument, if it shows 87kb instead of 5 or 600mb, right? why dont they just make them spawn into a 500mb file so people do download it more often?? I mean, isnt the whole virus idea to make people's computers go nuts, break down or other malicious acts? wouldn't the coder want as many people as possible to get infected? so why not go that route from the get go??
If the size filter is on the user side, it wouldnt interact with anything outside the program, the filter only does exactly that, filters out incoming info and does not show it, pretty simple I think. It wouldnt be a cure because nothing ever is, someone will always figure out a way to bend or break the rules, all im worried about is being able to find files of the sizes I know, say I want a codec pack thats 1.2mb I do not want to see anything less than 1 meg, i set the filter to only show 1 meg and up, tell me how on earth any tojan out there could know I have a filter set on above 1 meg when the filter is passive on my side, Limewire wouldnt be sending out nothing but the keywords I am looking for and hence the miserable "generated" tojans would go nuts sending out hits but I would never se them.

Last edited by limewireuserabuser; August 25th, 2006 at 11:49 PM.
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