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Old August 26th, 2006
limewireuserabuser limewireuserabuser is offline
Join Date: August 23rd, 2006
Posts: 30
limewireuserabuser is flying high

This will never end, even if DRM is firmly put in place whats to stop people from recording from the sound or video card??
Sure someone will have to pay someone else for the song or video, but then someone could re-record it through their sound or video card and share it without the underlying drm.... Wether they foce Limewire to implement a drm filter or not, the sharing will never end, there is just too many people in parts of the world where there's no internet laws, or at least do not enforce them. DRM is a good idea for 80% of the internet users out there who do not bother trying to download free music and such, but as for the other 20% who does? These people will never stop decompiling, reverse engineering, and re-coding, and cracking everything that comes out, it's just a matter of learning how to live with this thing we call internet, which is still in diapers if you ask me.
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