Thread: Disk Error
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Old September 1st, 2006
vince150 vince150 is offline
Join Date: September 1st, 2006
Posts: 3
vince150 is flying high
Default Disk Error

I've been using LimeWire 4.8 for quite awhile now because every version prior to that has given me some bullshit message whenever I try to download anything. It'll connect but within a few seconds it will say "Disk Error" and stop.

I'm using Windows 2000 and running ZoneAlarm firewall if that matters at all.

I've used the search feature on these forums but the only thing I could manage to find on these boards was a thread about someone receiving this message because they ran out of space on their harddrive and I sure as hell am not running out of space

Help would REALLY be appreciated.

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