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Old January 16th, 2002
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crohrs crohrs is offline
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 30th, 2001
Posts: 166
crohrs is flying high

Thanks everyone for the feedback. Keep voting....err...if you haven't done so already.

John: changing the connect string to make private communities doesn't work in LimeWire 1.8 and later, since they use the "Gnutella 0.6" handshaking protocol. However, the bleeding edge code in our CVS repository has some simple authentication code that could be used for this. If you're interested in getting your hands dirty, contact me personally and I'll give you some more info.

Also HUGE is temporarily stalled on the GDF pending the GGEP proposal ("Generic Gnutella Extension Protocol"). Yeah, we'll probably implement whatever is passed.

-Christopher Rohrs
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