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Old September 4th, 2006
Robert1979 Robert1979 is offline
Join Date: September 3rd, 2006
Posts: 2
Robert1979 is flying high
Default Path of folder with incomplete items

I think, that the path you mention, is the path with the downloaded items, which are finished. That one isn't that difficult to change. But what I mean is the path for the folder with the incomplete items....
This is what is written in the manual:
"At setup, LimeWire prompted you to designate the location of your Shared Directory. The Saving window allows you to change the location of your Shared Directory. The default Shared Directory location for Windows users is the Shared folder in the Documents and Settings folder. The Incomplete Directory stores incompletely downloaded files, and is also located in the Documents and Settings folder by default."
Now, the Shared Directory, from which the path can easily be changed, isn't the same as the Incomplete Directory. How can you change the path for the last one?

Thanks again
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