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Old September 22nd, 2006
scott74 scott74 is offline
Join Date: September 20th, 2006
Posts: 2
scott74 is flying high
Default Dropping internet connection when going through router

When i bypass my router, everything works fine, when I use the router and limewire I loose conection on all computers. tjust pops in and out and sometimes I have to powercycle everything. I have opened up the ports 6346 on the router and also through the windows firewall for Gnuella. Sometimes the little brick wall is in front of the globe and sometimes it is not their. Have the firewall on the desktop that is running charter security suite turned off and am just using windows firewall with the port 6346 open. The laptop is running trend micro which does not have a fire wall, just windows firewall but also opened the same ports here.

Using a netgear wgn824v2 Tried port forwarding, port triggering, and address reservations to make my router keep giving the laptop the same ip so I could set up port forwarding.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.. Mail me at Thanks Scott.
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