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Old September 27th, 2006
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Sleepless Sleepless is offline
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Post Have we all just become sheep ?

Who decides nowadays what you listen to. Is it you or is it some skilled hip manager working for record company in conjunction with the press? Is there really good music still made? Or are all the songs we hear not just from bands pushed to reach a certain release date?

How many of the CD's you have bought do you actually still like, or just listen to now and again? How often have you heard some bands new album being talked about to the point that you just have to see what it's all about?

Found this article quite interesting and the views in it so very true in many ways, so I thought I should post it here. If it makes just one more person look at the big picture, then I achieved my goal in doing this.

I for one never saw myself as one of these sheep, but who's to tell if I'm not just kidding myself. I sure own a lot of CD's gathered up through the years that I never listen to. Don't you ?
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