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Old September 28th, 2006
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough

You know Sleepless (& LOTR)

You have hit another good point right on the head, publishing organisations are all about releasing something on schedule rather than when it is finished.

For example, I don't read fiction books anymore mainly because they start off very good and, at the end, the conclusion is so obviously rushed.

How many times have we bought new software that only started to work properly after six to nine months of updates.

And now we are seeing films edited in ways designed to hide the parts that they did not have time to finish and include.

So really it is no surprise that artists are also rushed to push out albums, hence only having one or two tracks that are any good while the rest of the tracks are dross.

You know, I remember a time when an artist was given anything from 18 months to 3 years to complete a follow up album but, I guess, those times are now gone.

Conclusion, each passing year we are deluged with more and more dross.

Taking this one step further, right now we have the technology in our homes to select and put together albums/CDs of our favourite music. No wonder the RIAA are trying to kill it off because how else will they continue to sell us their over priced and over hyped crap.

Nuff said.

UK Bob
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