Thread: no connection
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question one connection? better than none!

only one connection? how on earth did you manage? I can't get as much as a sign of life, and I payed for the damn thing. Got a nice new iBook running on OS X 10.1.2 and I'm having no luck whatsoever. Do you think the fact I'm on a network could make a difference?

Does anyone know where I can get a step-by-step guide to downloading and connecting Limewire (or Mactella, for that matter, it won't work either) for OS X, that doesn't involve al that messing about with the terminal (I bought my mac because I thought it would be easy to use, not in order to become a computer programmer)?

anyway, if anyone finds a way, let me know...
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